Centre of Excellence in InnovativeTeaching and Learning (CoEITL)

About The CoEITL

The Centre of Excellence in Innovative Teaching and Learning (CoEITL), hosted by the Department of Education and Teaching, under the Faculty of Social Sciences, was established in 2024. It provides leadership, best practices, research, and training in various forms of pedagogical supports for lecturers, in various topics including the development and delivery of programs. The CoEITL's functions are focused on promoting the 21st-century and soft skills for both academic staff and students.

CoEITL Team of Staff

Dr. Perpetua J Kalimasi

  • PhD (Educational Management and Policy Studies - University of Pretoria
  • MSc in Development Management (Agder - Norway) | Master of Business Administration (UDSM)
  • Bachelor of Arts with Education - UDSM

Ms. Halima Rajabu Mwinyimkuu

Instructional Designer
  • Degree -ICT-Mediated Content Development (University of Dodoma- Tanzania)
  • Professional Diploma in Digital Learning Design- (Glasgow caledonian university - Scotland-UK)
  • Certificate in Instructional Design Foundations and Applications (University of illinois Urbana-US)

Mr. Abuu Mshamu

Instructional Designer
  • Degree -Multimedia Technilogies and Animation (University of Dodoma- Tanzania)
  • Professional Diploma in Digital Learning Design- (Glasgow Caledonian university - Scotland- UK)
  • Certificate of Instructional Design Application (i-Learn - Tanzania)

Responsibilities of The Centre

    • Coordinates and oversees all activities related to the application of innovative pedagogies, methods, and techniques, ensuring that Mzumbe University remains abreast.
    • Builds the capacity of academic staff in innovative pedagogies through specialized courses and seminars.
    • Oversees the quality of course content delivered through face-to-face, blended, and online modes across the University.



Center Coordinator Contacts

Mzumbe University,

Work Hours

Mon – Fri 07:30A.M. – 03:30P.M.

Achievements of CoEITL: