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About ICT Unit


The Information and Communication Unit (ICTU) was established in 2022 following the restructuring of Mzumbe University's organizational structure. It assumed all duties and functions previously managed by the Directorate of Information and Communication Technology (DICT), which had been in place since 2002 when the Institute of Development Management transitioned into Mzumbe University (MU). Currently, ICTU operates offices across all three University campuses in Morogoro, Mbeya and Dar es Salaam. It is staffed with qualified personnel and equipped with the resources necessary to integrate ICT services to support the university's core functions and activities.

The ICTU manages all ICT-related investments and operations at the University. Its primary role is to ensure that the University employs the right technologies in both quantity and quality, at the appropriate time. It also guarantees that all core business processes of the University are supported by ICT services readily available to stakeholders within and beyond the University, with minimal downtime. Specifically, ICTU provides a wide range of ICT services for academic and administrative functions including academic records management, admissions, enrollment, accommodation, field placement and research supervision, online learning management, research and publications management, as well as library information management systems. Projections indicate that by June 2026, more than 86% of the University services will be delivered digitally.


To provide innovative, high-quality, and sustainable ICT solutions and services that align with the University's goals in learning, teaching, research, consultancy, and management.


To provide the University with broad access to and effective utilization of ICT services and technologies, thereby enhancing Mzumbe University's position as a centre of academic excellence and contributing to sustainable societal development through the use of ICTs.

The General Unit Objectives

  • To ensure that the University has the right technology at the appropriate time and within the required quality and quantity. 

  • To ensure that the ICT services are readily available to users in the University and beyond, and to minimize downtimes.

Our Services

Internet Services

Managing and administering the network (LAN), Intranet and Internet infrastructure, and services. Dont use our Internet service to download or access pirating websites.

Systems Administration

Managing and administering all University systems and platforms used to deliver services to stakeholders within and outside the University.

Software Development

Interpret all University requirements from user departments and convert them into working digital solutions for service delivery.

Web Publishing and Maintanance Services

We provide website and Journals design, development, hosting and maintanance services to all MU units and Projects.

Computer Labs Supports

Mzumbe University Morogoro campus ha 4 Computer labs available to you to give you access to technology and assistance in your learning. Geneva Computer Lab located on BLOCK D First Floor has 90 computers, C214 Computer Lab located on NTARE Block has 40 Computers, B210 Computer Lab located on MAZENGO BLOCK has 36 Computers and JAICA Computer Lab located on HAILE SELASIE Building, Second Floor has 27 Computers.

ICT Supports

We provide ICT related supports to MU Staff and Students through the established MU HELPDESK platforms.


ISM Department
SDA Department
MUS Department

Department of Infrastructure and Service Management (ISM)

ISM is responsible for ensuring that the University has quality and modern ICT infrastructure and services that are readily available and accessible to support core University functions such as teaching, research, consultancy and outreach.  The department also ensures that ICT technologies and services are deployed and maintained in compliance with policies, standards, and best practices for security and sustainability. Specifically, ISM is responsible for:

1. Managing and administering all University systems and platforms  used to deliver services to stakeholders within and outside the   University.
2. Managing and administering the network (LAN), Intranet and Internet  infrastructure, and services.
3. Monitoring the utilization of ICT resources, including hardware,  software,      network, and Systems.
4. Ensuring the quality and efficient use of services by enhancing the capacity of users of the University platforms and services.
5. Organizing, developing, and administering the implementation and  application of ICT-related policies, strategies and  guidelines as issued by relevant authorities.
6. Conducting income-generating, outreach and community engagement activities as per University guidelines and procedures.

Department of Software Development and Automation (SDA)

The primary role of the SDA is to automate all core business processes and services to enhance service delivery and reduce costs. Also, the department ensures that the University maintains the appropriate number of software and platform licenses and that the use of any software or platforms complies with national and international standards and copyrights.

Specifically, SDA is entrusted to:

  • Proactively, ensure that all University operations and services are automated per the national and university policies and guidelines
  • Interpret all University requirements from user departments and convert them into working digital solutions for service delivery.
  • Manage university software environment to ensure sufficient software licences are available as well as to ensure excellent end-user licencing support services.
  • Ensure all University information systems, software, data and information are secured and accessible per the existing national and university policies and guidelines.
  • Document all developed University systems and Passover both application and documents to the ISM for administration

To carry out income-generating, outreach and community engagement activities as per University guidelines and procedures.

Department of Maintenance and User Support (MUS)

The overall responsibility of the MUS is to ensure the University have the right quality of functional ICT equipment and services for carrying out its strategic mandates. It is responsible for providing necessary supports to users throughout to minimize downtimes and increase productivity. Specifically, the department is responsible for carrying out the following tasks:

  1. To manage and keep inventory of all MU ICT equipment and services
  2. To organize routine and periodic services of all MU ICT equipment
  3. To ensure the University has the right number of quality ICT equipment and services
  4. To Manage and provide user support through the established MU HELPDESK platforms.
  5. To spearhead the transformation of the MU community towards the digital world by planning and carrying out relevant ICT training to improve the capacity of the staff and other users.
  6. To establish the first line of security by ensuring that users of the MU ICT infrastructure and services comply with the established University and national policies and guidelines concerning the use and electronic data and information
  7. To conduct income-generating, outreach and community engagement activities as per University guidelines and procedures.


MU Short course calender 2021

Dr. Mohamed A Ghasia

Director of ICT Unit

Senzota S, Kivaria

Head, Department of SDA

Gaudiosus . B . Baasha

Head, Department of ISM

Mr. Charles Kaijage

Head, Department of MUS

Unit Contact Info

Director, Information Communication Unit

Mzumbe University

ISIKE BLOCK , P.O Box 1, Mzumbe.

+255 (0) 23 260 43801/3/4


Work Hours

Mon – Fri 07:30A.M. – 3:30P.M.

Help Desk

E-mail: support@mu.ac.tz || ictu@mu.ac.tz

ICT Policies and Manuals

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