Home >Diploma Programmes

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Diploma in Applied Statistics (DAS)

Programme Description

The Diploma in Applied Statistics is a program offered by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics Studies (DMSS), which seeks to give students of the Applied Sciences a technical competency in the use and applications of Statistics. The programme aims at imparting knowledge and expertise in the fields of collection and analysis of data which characterizes the statistical work performed in both the government and public sectors. It is open to Certificate students and A-level students. The course is also aimed at scientists – especially Users of statistics, economists and social scientists - for whom statistical data analysis forms an integral part of their work..

Programe Requirements

  • Direct Entry
    Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) with one principal pass and one subsidiary in principal subjects. The principal pass must include any of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Advanced Mathematics..
  • Equivalent Entry
    In case the principal pass does not include one of these subjects, an applicant must have a pass in Basic Mathematics or Chemistry or Physics or Biology at O-Level OR Certificate in Applied Statistics with an average of Second Class or “B” grade PLUS four passes in non-religious subjects at O-Level..

Programe Mode Of Delivery


Programe Fee

1200000.00 per year.

Programe Status


Programe Duration

2 years.

Diploma in Information Technology (DIT)

Programme Description

Under the acronym of DIT, this diploma programme aims at equipping students with knowledge related to, on one hand, information technology solutions and business processes to meet the information needs of businesses and other enterprises. On the other hand, it emphasizes on the development and innovation of technologies and systems to meet the emerging and changing requirements of market and business processes..

Programe Requirements

  • Direct Entry
    The applicant must hold at least one principal pass of a science subject at advanced secondary level. If the principal pass is not in advanced mathematics then the applicant must have either a subsidiary of basic applied mathematics or credit pass of mathematics at Ordinary secondary level, a subsidiary at advanced secondary level, a “D” pass of additional mathematics at o-level or a “D” pass from physics, chemistry or book-keeping at A-level..
  • Equivalent Entry
    Certificate in Information Technology (CIT) or any other certificate in Science or Engineering programmes whose courses involve Mathematics from an accredited institution. The applicant must have at least a second-class level score in the certificate programme..

Programe Mode Of Delivery


Programe Fee

1200000.00 per year.

Programe Status


Programe Duration

2 years.

Diploma in Local Government Management(DLGM)

Programme Description

This is a two years programme that is designed to familiarize students with the very latest thinking on, and best practice in Local Government Managemenat . The programme equips students with knowledge, skills and attitudinal competences required for effective job performance as general in Local Government Managemenat organizations..

Programe Requirements

  • Direct Entry
    The candidate must have at least one principal level pass and subsidiary in the ACSEE. The principal pass must include English. Where the principal pass does not include English in ACSEE, the applicant must have a pass in English language at the Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE)..
  • Equivalent Entry
    The candidate must have at least a second-class level or B average in Human Resource Management Certificate or Certificate in Local Government Administration or Certificate in Social Work or Certificate in Law or Certificate in Business Management or Certificate in Community Development or Certificate in Records and Archives.

Programe Mode Of Delivery


Programe Fee

1200000.00 per year.

Programe Status


Programe Duration

2 years.

Diploma in Law (DL)

Programme Description

This is a two-year programme with four semesters. The programme requires candidates to successfully complete 47 credit points including field work. The programme aims at equipping students with fundamentals of various fields of the law in order to prepare them for middle level positions as judicial officers, administrative officers and legal officers who are well prepared to cope with the socio-economic changes in their countries..

Programe Requirements

  • Direct Entry
    A Certificate in Law of at least a second-class level or “B” average. In addition, the applicant must have at least four passes in any subjects from Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE)..
  • Equivalent Entry
    At least one principal level pass in English and a subsidiary in the ACSEE. Where the principal pass does not include English in the ACSEE, applicant must have passed with a credit in English Language at the Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE)..

Programe Mode Of Delivery


Programe Fee

1200000.00 per year.

Programe Status


Programe Duration

2 years.

Mbeya Campus College

Diploma in Accountancy (DA)

Programme Description

In the accounting context, among other things, students will learn how to: prepare financial reports, operational budgets and income tax returns; manage budgets and forecasts; administer accounts payable receivable; establish and maintain accounting information systems; implement and maintain internal control procedures; and monitor corporate governance activities..

Programe Requirements

  • Direct Entry
    Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) with at least one principal pass and one subsidiary. The principal pass must include any of the following subjects. Mathematics or Commerce or Accountancy..
  • Equivalent Entry
    In case the principal pass does not include Mathematics and Accountancy, an applicant must have a credit in Basic Mathematics, or Book-Keeping at O-Level OR Certificate in Accountancy or Finance and Banking with an average of Second Class or “B” grade PLUS four passes in non-religious subjects at O-Level.

Programe Mode Of Delivery


Programe Fee

1200000.00 per year.

Programe Status


Programe Duration

2 years.

Diploma in Business Administration (DBA)

Programme Description

At the end of this programme, graduates will be able to; Select and apply different business management theories for various business related decisions, prepare different business plans for various purposes e.g. marketing plans, operational plans, loan proposals etc..

Programe Requirements

  • Direct Entry
    Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) with at least one principal pass and one subsidiary in principal subjects. The principal pass must include any of the following subjects: Mathematics or Commerce or Accountancy or Economics or Entrepreneurship..
  • Equivalent Entry
    In case the principal pass does not include Mathematics or Commerce or Accountancy or Economics or Entrepreneurship, an applicant must have a credit Basic Mathematics or Book-Keeping or Commerce or Chemistry or Physics at O-Level OR Certificate in Business Administration, Procurement and Supply Chain, Accountancy, with an average of Second Class or “B” grade PLUS four passes in non-religious subjects at O-Level..

Programe Mode Of Delivery


Programe Fee

1200000.00 per year.

Programe Status


Programe Duration

2 years.

Diploma in Human Resource Management (DHRM)

Programme Description

This is a two years programme that is designed to familiarize students with the very latest thinking on, and best practice in, Human Resource Management. The programme equips students with knowledge, skills and attitudinal competences required for effective job performance as general and human resource officers at lower levels in organizations. Also, it builds their capacity and orients them to key issues and techniques of managing people in work organizations. The programme requires students to complete four (4) semesters of seventeen (17) weeks each. It requires candidates to successfully complete a total of forty (45) credit points, including a field practical of six weeks between year one and year two. Each candidate will be provided with a log book where he/she will record the activities done each week and signed by the Host organization supervisor. At the end the candidate will compile a report stipulating strength and challenges experienced during the field attachment..

Programe Requirements

  • Direct Entry
    At least a second-class level or B average in Human Resource Management Certificate, or Certificate in Public Administration, Local Government Management/Administration, Social Work, Certificate in Law, Business Management/Administration, Community development Records and Archives Management, and Certificate in Economics from a recognized and accredited institution. In addition, applicant must have at least four passes in any subjects from Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE)..
  • Equivalent Entry
    At least one principal level pass and subsidiary in the ACSEE. The principal pass must include English. Where the principal pass does not include English in ACSEE, the applicant must have passed with a credit in English Language at the Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE)..

Programe Mode Of Delivery


Programe Fee

1200000.00 per year.

Programe Status


Programe Duration

2 years.

Dar es Salaam Campus College