Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) Project

About The HEET Project

The Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) project is a five-year initiative funded by the World Bank and implemented in the United Republic of Tanzania through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. Its primary objective is to strengthen the learning environments and labour-market alignment of priority programs at the beneficiary institutions and improve the management of the higher education systems. Mzumbe University has been allocated USD 17,101,326.11 for the construction of physical infrastructure and USD 3,898,673.89 for activities related to curriculum improvement and innovative teaching methodologies.

Project Leadership

Prof. Eliza A. Mwakasangula

Project Coordinator
  • PhD-(Sokoine University of Agriculture), 2013
  • Master of Philosophy - (The University of Bergen), 2002
  • Advanced Diploma Public Administration - (Institute of Development Management-Mzumbe), 1997

Prof. Hawa Petro Tundui

Deputy Project Coordinator
  • PhD in Entrepreneurship (2012) - University of Groningen
  • Master of Business Administration (2004) from University of Agder
  • Advanced Diploma in Business Administration (ADBA), Institute of Development Management (IDM) Mzumbe



Project Focus Areas

Area 1: Construction or Rehabilitation of Infrastructure

This area is subdivided into Area 1a: Construction or rehabilitation of infrastructure at the Main Campus and Tanga Campus Collage. Specifically, at the main campus, the project focuses on the construction of academic building, ICT and innovation building, solid waste dumping sites and wastewater treatment systems. Also, the project is constructing reservoir tanks and rehabilitating the existing water supply system. At the Tanga Campus, the project is constructing an Academic Building, Student Hostels, a Cafeteria, a Health Centre, Staff Houses, a solid waste dumping site and a wastewater treatment system and reservoir tanks.

Under sub- Area 1b: Upgrading Learning Resources and Equipment, the University is enhancing access to learning resources by deploying an Integrated E-library System and Services (IESS), acquiring print and e-resources, Upgrading and deploying an integrated Library management information system (LMIS). Likewise, the University will equip its learning facilities with modern Audio-visual (Smart) Technologies (ST) for effective teaching and learning, and establish a State-of-the-Art Multimedia Centre for creating content to support online and blended programmes. Further, the University isstrengthening its support to students with special learning needs by supplying them with Assistive and Adaptive Technologies (AAT).

Area 2: Updating Curriculum and Introducing Innovative Pedagogical Methodologies

The University through the HEET project has developed eleven new and reviewed ten existing programmes by incorporating key skills innovative pedagogical approaches. Also, it is establishing a centre of excellence in innovative teaching and learning, as well as developing a multimedia centre to support online and blended learning course delivery. Further, the project is building the capacity of its staff and students by providing relevant soft skills, quality assurance issues, and innovative pedagogies and assessment methods.  Moreover, the project is establishing a help desk to support students with special needs.

Area 3: Promoting Applied Research and Innovation Capacity

In this focus area, the University is strengthening the capacity of Staff in writing and winning big research and innovation grants, establishing Research and Innovation as well as enhancing collaboration within and outside the country, strengthening Mzumbe University journals by registering them in reputable databases. Further, the University is developing and operationalising policies on Intellectual Property and enhancing outreach services to disseminate research outputs and innovation.

Area 4: Building functional linkages with the private sector/industry

In this focus area, the University through the HEET project is enhancing the linkage with the industry to leverage from the market. Specifically, the University is establishing an Industrial Advisory Committee, equipping students with market-relevant knowledge and skills through guest lectures, conducting study tours and developing Student Innovations/Solutions/Ventures. Also, we are enhancing partnerships with private enterprises and public organizations, enhancing practical knowledge among staff through placement in different public and private organisations, facilitating certification of staff in different professional boards, and strengthening Alumni engagement with the University.

Area 5: Strengthening the Use of Digital Technology

Sub-Area 5a: Developing online learning platforms and digital technology applications (including selecting and customizing Moodle-based learning platforms) is focused on the digitalization of the University activities and functions. Specifically, the University is automating all academic functions from admission, registration, accommodation, academic records management as well as research and field placements.  Likewise, the University will deploy platforms to support access to online library services and learning management systems to enable students to participate in the learning process from anywhere and at any time. Likewise, the University is automating all of its administrative and support functions to create an enabling smart campus where all of its services can be accessed and available online.

The Sub - Area 5b: Establishing state-of-the-art ICT infrastructure and equipment focuses on creating an enabling academic infrastructure to support learning. Specifically, the University is strengthening connectivity and access to key university resources.  The University is rehabilitating and expanding its Local area network (LAN) to connect all University offices and student premises. Likewise, the University is enhancing Internet services on all campuses; procuring equipment for laboratories including computers and hiring laboratory technicians to supervise students during practical sessions. Whereas sub-Area 5c: Capacity building in the development of online and ODL learning and pedagogy is enhancing the capacity of staff in managing academic infrastructure, and designing and delivering online, blended, and micro-learning.

Area 6: Building Capacity of Academic Staff and University Leadership

In this focus areas, the university is going to support the training of 6 academic Staff at PhD Level and 15 academic staff at masters level, to support the training of academic and administrative staff in different short courses, train 40 Intermediate management staff on Leadership, Management corruption and good governance, to prepare guidelines on code of conduct and sexual harassment, to facilitate gender Equity implementation plan, to conduct outreach to Nearby Schools on Gender awareness, to Sensitize staff on gender and Sexual Harassment Issues, to establish Leadership and Governance Training Centre for Universities and Government Officials, to facilitate awareness creation, environmental audit training and environmental auditing activities and develop and deploy seminar management system.


Project Coordinator Contacts

Mzumbe University,

Work Hours

Mon – Fri 07:30A.M. – 03:30P.M.

Assistant Coordinator Contacts

Mzumbe University,

Work Hours

Mon – Fri 07:30A.M. – 03:30P.M.

Project Implementation Activities:


Implementation Status: On Progress

The proposed project initiative was driven by the need to accommodate the increasing demand on existing infrastructure, hence establish a new Campus in Mkinga District, Tanga Region. The new establishment will consist of an Academic Block, two (2) Students’ Hostels, Cafeteria, Dispensary, four (4) Staff Houses and Reservoir Tank. Currently, MU has three campuses; Main Campus in Morogoro, Dar es Salaam Campus College and Mbeya Campus College with an estimate of 15,000 students. Therefore, the proposed project will absorb the growing number of graduates from basic education who are both inspired and capable of pursuing higher education in Tanzania


Implementation Status: Completed

The project involved improving computer Labs at all Three Campuses,Main Campus Morogoro, Mbeya and Dar es Salaam Campuses, Computer labs with working Computers are functional at all three campuses,It included: Preparation of Specifications for the computers, Prepare procurement plan for the computers, Procure Computers for the labs and Install OSS in the computers


Implementation Status: On Progress

The Project involved:Prepare ToR for the establishment of LAN and WLAN at Maekani, Solicit consultancy to design Maekani master plan , Design LAN Masterplan for the Mahekani ,Deployment of wireless hotspots in all university/students’ premises in 3 campuses and Segmentation of MU traffic