Directorate of Research, Publication and Postgraduate Studies(DRPS)


The Directorate of Research and Postgraduate Studies at the University was formed in August 2002, consolidating the responsibilities of several former departments, including Research, Information and Publication, and parts of the former Graduate Studies directorate. This directorate serves as the central hub for policy coordination within the University, overseeing all matters concerning research, publications, and postgraduate studies. Regarding research and publications, the directorate plays a crucial role in implementing the University's research policy, fostering collaborations both within the institution and with external partners. It is responsible for developing comprehensive research plans and budgets, actively seeking external funding sources, and ensuring the effective dissemination of research findings through various channels, including the management of University publications. Furthermore, the directorate oversees the establishment and operation of other University journals, ensuring their adherence to established policies and guidelines. In the realm of postgraduate studies, the directorate is responsible for maintaining high standards of quality and assurance. This includes reviewing and approving academic programs and their structures, coordinating the admissions process, and ensuring that all approved programs are delivered effectively. Essentially, the Directorate of Research and Postgraduate Studies serves as a vital link between research, publication, and postgraduate education within the University, ensuring that these critical areas operate effectively and contribute to the overall academic mission of the institution..

Directorate Administration

Dr. Nsubili Isaga Mwalukasa

Ag. Director
  • PhD,VU university, Amsterdam the Netherlands
  • Masters degree, Birmingham City University.
  • Advance Diploma in Certified Accounting,Mzumbe University (by then called IDM Mzumbe).

Dr. Juma Buhimila

HoD, Department of Postgraduate Studies
  • Ph.D. in Business Administration, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, 2021
  • MBA (Finance), University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2009
  • Bachelor of Business Accounting and Finance, Mzumbe University, Morogoro, Tanzania, 2005

Dr. Eliaza Jones Mkuna

HoD, Department of Research and Publications
  • PhD in Agricultural Economics(University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa), 2019
  • MSc. in Agricultural and Applied Economics, Sokoine University of Agriculture,Tanzania, 2014
  • Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics, The University of Dodoma (UDOM)-Tanzania, 2012

Dr. Stephen Nalaila

Coordinator, Department of Research and Publications
  • PhD in Comparative Education and International Studies
  • Master of Education (Comparative Education) from Kenyatta University
  • BA with Education from University of Dar es Salaam

Dr. Anna Linje

Coordinator, Department of Postgraduate Studies
  • Ph.D. in Public Administration, University of Fort Hare, South Africa, 2022
  • Msc. Local Government Management. Mzumbe University, Morogoro - Tanzania, 2013
  • Bachelor of Arts in Rural Development, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro - Tanzania, 2008



Postgraduate Studies Department Overview

The Department of Postgraduate Studies is responsible for the overall planning, coordination, and administration of all postgraduate programs offered by the institution. This encompasses the development and review of academic regulations and guidelines for postgraduate studies, ensuring quality assurance and adherence to academic standards. The department oversees the admissions process, including the evaluation of applications, selection of candidates, and issuance of offer letters. It also facilitates the supervision of research projects, assists in the organization of research conferences and workshops, and provides support services to postgraduate students, such as academic advising, career guidance, and research funding opportunities..

Research and Publications Department Overview

The Department of Research and Publications plays a pivotal role in fostering intellectual growth and disseminating knowledge within Mzumbe University. Key responsibilities encompass management of research across diverse disciplines, publishing research findings in reputable academic journals and conferences, facilitating staff research endeavors through grants and funding opportunities, maintaining a comprehensive institutional repository of research outputs, organizing workshops and seminars to enhance research skills and methodologies, and collaborating with external research institutions to foster interdisciplinary research and knowledge exchange..
