The Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) is one of the founding faculties of Mzumbe University. Established in August 2002 under Section 20(2)(a) of Act No. 21 of 2001, which formally established the University, the Faculty has been committed to advancing academic excellence, innovation, and community service.
The faculty is organized into three departments: Computing Science Studies, Engineering Management Studies, and Mathematics and Statistics Studies. These departments offer diverse programs, conduct cutting-edge research, and provide impactful outreach services in areas such as Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Industrial Management and Production Operations Management, and Applied Statistics.
In addition to its academic contributions, the faculty provides professional services tailored to meet the needs of industries, government agencies, and other organizations. These services include:
With a focus on both academic and professional growth, the faculty continues to play a pivotal role in equipping students and professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to address contemporary challenges and contribute to national and global development.
To be a center of academic excellence in the areas of computing science, engineering management, mathematics, and statistics in the country and beyond.
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– BSc. in Industrial Engineering (Hons) from the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), Tanzania.
– He holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics, from the Acharya Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh, Guntur-India since October, 2018.
– PhD holder specialized in E-learning in the department of Computing Sciences Studies.
The Faculty offers’both postgraduate undergraduate Programmes.
Mzumbe University,
Faculty of Science and Technology,
Haile Selasie Building
P.O.Box 1,
Mzumbe, Morogoro.
+255 (0) 252502863 /57/58,
Mon – Fri 07:30A.M. – 03:30P.M.
The Department of Computing Science Studies (CSS) is the oldest and largest department among the three departments in the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of Mzumbe University. The department adopted its name from the former Department of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which was established in 2003 after Mzumbe University was inaugurated as a full University. The CSS department offers the following degree one master degree programme, four bachelor degree programmes, one ordinary diploma programme, two certificate programmes. In addition, the CSS department offers and coordinates all courses related to ICT, which are offered in other Non-ICT Degree programmes for the entire University. The CSS department researches in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI), E-learning, Systems Development, User-centered Design, and ICT for development. The department works with other institutional units of the University to address the Strategic Plan of the Mzumbe University which is geared towards realizing the national development goals. Furthermore, to strengthen its research capacities among its staff, the department has been collaborating with various academic institutions and businesses worldwide. As a department, we are committed to constantly improving the quality of our programmes through competent staff, regular curricular reviews, and sufficient and modern facilities. We welcome you to join our programmes and be part of our success. Thank you. Head of Department
The department of Mathematics and Statistics Studies is one of the sister department in the Faculty of Science and Technology(FST). The department of Mathematics and Statistics Studies (MSS) focuses on enhancing advanced business and pratical oriented knowledge related to the collection, organization , analysis and interpretation of data. The main studies includes operation research and stochastic process, optimization and quality management in agricultural product and industries, optimization and quality control in health services, statistical decision sciences and their application , actuarial science and its application in insurance and health service business. The MSS department also incorporates teacher training plus competenecy in planning, information sytems analysis and design, data communitions , networks and programming languages.
The Department of Engineering Management Studies (EMS) is one of the three Departments under the Faculty of Science and Technology, Mzumbe University Main Campus, Morogoro. It was started in 2002 as Department of Production and Operations Management and later transformed into the EMS Department in 2012 so as to reflect the core activities of the Department. The EMS Department has a good number of qualified staff in engineering and production management related issues such as Total Quality Management, Cleaner Production, Ergonomics, Project Management, Environmental Toxicology, Business Process Re-Engineering, Renewable Energy Technologies and Technology Management. The Department plays a major role in providing core engineering management courses in Production and Operations Management, Lean Manufacturing, Industrial Safety and Maintenance Management, Management of Innovation and Technology, Production Planning and Control, Work Study and Ergonomics and Project Management for the BSc. Production and Operations Management programme. The Department aims at making an important contribution to the scientific understanding of industrial operations so as to enhance production efficiency and achieve higher productivity through optimal use of resources e.g., energy, water and possible use of cleaner technologies such as recycling, reuse, renewable energy, information technology and green transportation. Our courses offered challenge students' ability to integrate theory and practice for the analysis, understanding, and management of industrial operations and solve real engineering problems. In addition, to their academic work, all students are encouraged to develop professionally relevant scientific, social and communication skills, and orient themselves in the global networks of scientists and innovation pioneers. The Department is a center of excellence for the engineering and production management related researches as well. The Department has educated several hundred young people from Tanzania and abroad who are now working in the manufacturing and service organizations such as academia, international organizations, governments, NGOs and businesses organizations.
MU-LISA is the short term stand for Mzumbe University Laboratory for Interdisplinary Statistical Analysis, hosted by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics Studies (MSS). The main objective of the laboratory is to enhance and build statistical capacity in Tanzania. The laboratory is expecting to engage on: Statistical collaboration with other researchers in various disciplines mainly in Business Studies, Actuarial sciences, Industrial Statistics, Economics, Education, Agricultural Statistics, Health Statistics (Biostatistics), Public Administration, Applied Mathematics, Information and Communication Technology, Engineering management and Development Studies to increase the quality of research and to produce co-authored publications in journals with high impact factor. Walk-in consultations for quick solution to statistical problems to students, Lectures, Researches. Offering short statistical courses to improve statistical literacy and skills within and outside Mzumbe University Campus Providing practical training to young statisticians to become excellent collaborators and to be effective statistical communicators. Contact day/hrs: Monday to Friday (11:00 a.m-15:00 p.m.) Venue: Haile Selassie Building, Room NO. 207 For further information, please contact the following: Justine Mbukwa (Coordinator) Mobile: +255752663635 Tukae Mbegalo (Assistant Coordinator and HoD-MSS) Mobile: +255719369142 Email:
Based on the available needs of the country, the Faculty is committed to produce qualified graduates in the science discipline who can provide solutions to industrial, business, management and societal problems.
The Faculty fulfils her roles with the goal of addressing the National vision of becoming a middle Industrialized Country.
The Faculty is delegated to produce graduate in science with blended knowledge and skills in management.