Home >Innovation,Enterpreneurship and Industrial Linkages Unit

Unit Overview


To strengthen competence-based training and learning for students and staff through the provision of unlimited access to state-of-the-art educational resources, mentorship, consultations, and a business-world interaction hub, all aimed at bridging the knowledge gap in delivering and acquiring business educational skills.


To become a reliable center for incubating business ideas through the provision of relevant entrepreneurial knowledge, access to resources, networking, and the acquisition of business educational skills.

General Unit Functions


  1. Undertake teaching on innovation and entrepreneurship for Mzumbe University students and other youth, thereby fostering an innovative and entrepreneurial culture within the younger generation.
  2. Promote innovative academic delivery methods that encourage interaction between students and business leaders, contributing to training through co-creating real-world business projects. This enables students to connect theory to practice and gain a rich learning experience.
  3. Coordinate the development of programs in collaboration with industry.

Research and Innovation

  1. Promote innovative and entrepreneurial activities within the university, neighboring communities, and the nation at large, with the aim of creating new businesses.
  2. Incubate and support students' innovative, entrepreneurial, and business ideas to help them develop small and medium-sized enterprises and social enterprises.
  3. Provide and manage an innovation space for students and staff to support innovation and co-creation with consumers and businesses for developing new products, services, and employment opportunities.
  4. Nurture and empower students to develop business ideas, mobilize resources, and create enterprises to bring new products and services to the market, thereby generating new wealth.

Industrial Linkage and Outreach

  1. Develop and enhance links between the university and industry.
  2. Solicit funding and sponsorship from industries to support innovation development at the university.
  3. Coordinate the development of programs in collaboration with industry.
  4. Manage all matters related to the commercialization of innovations developed by staff and students (innovators).

Unit Contact Info

Manager of Innovation,Enterpreneurship and Industrial Linkages Unit

P.O.Box 1,
Mzumbe, Morogoro.

Work Hours

Mon – Fri 07:30A.M. – 03:30P.M.
